Applying to General Dynamics

Applying to General Dynamics

Photo of colleague smiling in front of LAV.

It All Starts Here

You’ve heard the buzz about Life at GD and are ready to apply, so now what? Here are some handy tips on setting up a profile and standing out!

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Resume Best Practices with check marks

Resume Best Practices

On average, our team spends 3-5 minutes reviewing each resume. Here are some best practices to keep in mind while customizing your resume for our consideration:

  • Consider a cover letter or professional summary: A well-written letter, or professional summary on your profile can help set you apart from other candidates.
  • Tighten your resume: Try to keep your resume two pages or less, relevancy is key.   
  • Review before sending: This simple, but necessary step, will help you notice any errors or repetition. Plus, it will give you a general idea of how your experience may be perceived.

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