Uncrewed Systems

LX300 unmanned helicopter flying over ocean with ship and MHP in the background

Maintain maritime advantage with confidence

General Dynamics Mission Systems’ increasingly innovative uncrewed ASW solutions offer various levels of autonomy while seamlessly integrating with your force’s crewed arsenal of technologies. 

The result: a modernized and continuously robust defence suite against even the most sophisticated of emerging underwater threats.  

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From the deepest of seas, to the water’s edge, to miles high into the skies, uncrewed anti-submarine warfare solutions including USVs, UUVs and UAVs are key to sustaining an undersea advantage in the ever-evolving battlefield:

  • Reduced risk to the war fighter. In removing the need for onboard personnel, uncrewed ASW vehicles actively distance your people from the battlespace—significantly reducing the likelihood of injury or death in the most dangerous of situations. 
  • Persistent presence. With the ability to loiter within underwater environments, uncrewed vessels enable military forces to maintain a continual watchful eye over specific locations. 
  • Superior performance. Compared to manual mapping methods, our uncrewed vessels are able to perform underwater mapping detection functions much more quickly and broadly than humans.

Man controlling unmanned aerial vehicle at console

Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles

With Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) at the cutting-edge of military aviation, the Laflamme Aero’s state-of-the-art LX300 is being touted worldwide as a game-changer and force multiplier for surveillance and multi-mission operations. 

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UAV flying in the sky

Historic Uncrewed Aerial ASW Demonstration

In 2021, General Dynamics’ industry-leading Distributed UYS-505 sonobuoy processing system was included in the world’s first self-contained ASW capability for an uncrewed aircraft system—generating target tracks in General Atomics Aeronautical Systems’ successful demonstration of ASW capability from their MQ-9A Block 5 on a US Navy Pacific test range. 

A historical feat, this was the world’s first-ever demo of an autonomous aircraft dispensing sonobuoys organically; monitoring, processing and controlling those buoys; and tracking them an underwater target remotely.

Man hoisting unmanned underwater vehicle into rig on boat


The Bluefin Robotics® family of products includes autonomous Uncrewed Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) and related technologies for defence, commercial and scientific customers worldwide—enabling the detection, classification, localization and mapping of mines and underwater coordinates, as well as rapid environment assessment. 

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people rigging sonars onto unmanned surface vessel


General Dynamics Mission Systems–Canada is an active participant in the annual NATO maritime-sponsored REPMUS (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping exercise using Maritime Uncrewed Systems). 

In 2022 in Portugal, we demonstrated our Underwater Warfare Software capabilities integrated into an uncrewed surface vessel, showcasing:

  • How complex sonar sensor software can be modularized and executed on a number of geographically separated clients
  • Humans can control the USV and monitor acoustic and non-acoustic data while being monitored and controlled from a remote operations center

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A General Dynamics Business