Sonobuoy Processor

Best in Class Active and Passive Sonobuoy Processing System

Our Sonobuoy Processing system increases the tactical advantage against modern submerged threats with best-in-class range performance and acoustic intelligence exploitation.

Product Benefits

  • Best in class passive/ acoustic processing for all common passive sonobuoy types
  • Advanced processing algorithms detect submerged targets sooner, maintains precision tracking longer and searches larger areas when other sources cannot

  • Operator-designed intuitive user interface offers tools that simplify the task of prosecuting increasingly large and complex sonobuoy fields

  • Advanced processing of DICASS buoys provide UYS-505 operators the ability to detect and track, with precision and confidence.

  • Leader in the cutting edge field of multistatic active coherent acoustic processing.

  • Multistatic processing can also be performed with ship sonars and helicopter dipping sonars providing active sources to increase interoperability within coalition  task groups

  • Crew size and operator workload reduction by offering increased automation, automatic target detection and tracking; and a suite of other tools that make operators more effective.

  • Fixed or deployable ground station systems provide the same operator interface as the aircraft systems for ease of use, minimal training and support fast time replay at more than 8 times real time

  • Open architecture approach to data transfer for easy integration with external aircraft systems


  • Supports NATO Standard 99 Sonobuoy RF Channel allocation

  • Supports a broad range of Passive and Active Sonobuoy Manufacturer Types

  • Leverages commercial advances in hardware and latest innovations in signal processing technologies to maximize the detection of submerged threats

  • Employs directional and spectral analysis to generate spatially aware spectral displays

  • 1 hour of display-ready historical data available for each of 32 concurrently processed sonobuoys

  • Performs display processing whilst processing/formatting recorded acoustic data

For more details about our Sonobuoy Processing solutions please Contact Us.

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A General Dynamics Business